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We would love to hear from you. Please be sure not to provide any confidential information related to your matter. The Firm reserves the right not to treat the information provided as confidential and, in certain cases, may use it against the person providing the information.
No attorney-client relationship is created by you sending or requesting information from the Firm. We look forward to helping you and your family plan.

Mund te na kontaktoni duke plotesuar formularin e me poshtem. Ju lutem mos shkruani informacione sekrete ose private. Zyra rezervon te drejten te perdori informacionin qe dergoni kundra jush, ne qofte se eshte e nevojshme. Deri sa te firmosni kontrate me zyren, avokatja dhe zyra nuk ju parfaqeson si klient.

Contact us

You have questions! We have answers! Use the experience of Kushi Law Firm, P.A. to help you with your case and give you peace of mind.

How can we help

Our Firm’s philosophy is that you are not just a client; you become part of our family. When you meet with us, you will be treated with the utmost respect, will feel comfortable understanding the process and why we are suggesting or taking certain steps in your case. We work for you and we will keep you informed every step of the way.